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Showing posts with the label pandemic

Summer Break Beckons and State Test Rant

" As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."   We have a few more weeks left of school and cannot wait! So proud of our son who just completed his SBAC testing(***SIGH***). It was definitely nerve wracking, but he has such an awesome special education teacher that helped him through each painstaking minute, moment and second of his test taking ordeal. Thankfully we were able to get it all done and so now we are just chilling and celebrating with a three-day-weekend of sorts, so that we can just exhale for a moment. For those of you that are still test taking, GOOD LUCK! We know how painstakingly stressful these days can be not only for the parents, but the students as well, especially students with special needs challenges, anxiety, tears, panic attacks, etc.     I am not sure where your stance is on state test taking is in general, but it is and has been a debate for YEARS, especially in the midst o

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022!

"As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases." Hello! Happy 2022!!! Hope your New Year celebration was safe and fun. We had some bubbly and the kids had apple grape sparkly fizzy juice (that's what I call it;-). It was a nice quiet time at home, of course there were early fireworks around 6pm that day and kept on going, but who's counting. Our cat did pretty well with all of the fireworks going on in the surrounding neighborhood and was pretty much not even bothered.                                    Samus our furry kitty Isn't she adorable? Pets are so funny sometimes and they always have their own personalities as well. She is fine just being around us and of course lets us all know when she doesn't want to be bothered with a little nip or scratch, so she is pretty independent. Aren't they all?   I know most people do New Year's Resolutions , but I am not the one because

A Tale of Two Types of Learning in the Midst of a Pandemic/ COVID-19 ..

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."  VS                     Remote                                                                Full In-Person-Learning Once upon a time in a school district not too far away, there was a terrible virus that shut the world down for over a year(we are still fighting this terrible virus:-(. Lots of people lost their lives and the normal that most people came to know and love changed forever. Some people, especially educators, were not sure how they were going to educate all of their students in Kindergarten-12th grade, especially those with special needs.  Make back to school easy with schedules, fidgets and sitting wedges from Some school districts did not know what to do and were faced with how they were going to educate students online and address the needs of those that struggled already academically, emotionally, financially

Are You Ready for Summer 2021?

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."   I cannot believe that summer is about 3 months away!!? Do you have any plans? We have been seriously on staycation since the pandemic hit last year. It has been really challenging, to say the least, to keep it together at times, especially with a hubby, an adult daughter, and a teenaged autistic son. All at home all the time ***SIGH****. But at the end of the day, it is all because we need to be and remain socially distant and safe in this time due to COVID-19 . We are also still on a waiting list to get the vaccine, so hopefully sooner than later. I will definitely not get into that, regarding taking the COVID vaccine or not, it just gets too complicated and touchy.  For Easter , I made baskets for my kiddoes and they are cute, here are some pics:  They look forward to these every single year. I thought I was done but when I brought it up to my adult da

Opening School During a Pandemic with 3 Different Covid-19 Strains

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." Is it SAFE for your kids to return to school during a pandemic? My hubby and I asked each other that same question a few days ago when we received an email about our school district's reopening plan. There are so many things at stake: economy, opening of businesses, children's mental and emotional wellness,   parent's sanity and so much more that is happening in our world right now.  To top it all off, there is a pandemic that can kill you and your immediate family ***ARGH!!!***. If you are still on the fence about what to decide, in regards to sending your children back to school, the CDC has a great checklist you can check out and make the best decision for your family.  In our case, our son is autistic as some of you may already know and our concerns will obviously not be the same as your concerns when it comes to having your child return t

Happy New Year! 2021!

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." It has been one heck of a  year! Between the pandemic , social distancing Amazon , Uber , Groceries and total strangers knocking on your door and a new strain of the COVID-19...I was honestly ready to say good riddance. But I digress.  I hope that you are mentally strong for what is to come for 2021. We still have to get over 20 million people vaccinated and we have only done about 2 million. Worst yet, I heard it through the grapevine that if we stay at this pace, it will take us another 10 years to get everyone vaccinated....TEN YEARS!!!!  My hope and prayer is that this nightmare will be over soon because we are tired(at least I am) of all the mess. So many people have been touched by all that has gone on since the pandemic hit our world. I will continue to power on and advocate for my family, my autistic son, my adult daughter and hopefully my sanity.

Give to Those In Need During this Time in Christmas 2020

   " As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." /  ** This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links                Give to Those in Need! Shop $1 Care Package Supplies at Dollar Tree! Good Afternoon,  How are you doing this rainy afternoon? (or whatever the weather is like in your neck of the woods). Christmas time and the holiday season should be a time to spend with family and friends, but this time is different.  There are many people in the world that are hurting right now, especially with all of the losses that businesses are going through right now. If you can give what you can from your pantry , closet  or heart please do. Every year our family makes it a point to give to the homeless shelters and food pantries in our area because we all know that tomorrow is not promised.  Covid-19  and the year 2020 is one that our fa

Christmas 2020 is around the corner....What are your plans?

" As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases ." /    Good Morning(or Afternoon/Evening),  How are you? This year has been a whirlwind so far and crazy, right? In the US right now, we are trying to figure out who our next president will be and it has been a day after the election and we still  have no clear winner. People are dying everyday from COVID-19 and systemic racism is a work in continual progress. ***SIGH*** .  Hopefully it will all be over soon and we can breathe a sigh of relief or tear our hair out, depending on the outcome, LOL. Sometimes in the midst of chaos and uncertainty my go to is humor because it keeps me sane. So...what was I talking about...oh, yeah Christmas 2020! My dear son asked me a few days ago what we were going to be doing for Thanksgiving  and I honestly had no clue, but thought of decorations , Romantic Comedies and Charlie Brown Movies . Overall just spending some quali

TGIF! What are Your Plans for the Weekend?

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."   Good Morning and Happy Friday! How are you doing today? I picked out this picture because it is definitely how I feel today with everything that is happening in the world. Sometimes you have to just let your hair down and get silly with yourself. Life comes at you fast and you have to decide if you are going to let the world and peoples' actions squelch your spirit or just get childish and enjoy the moment. When COVID-19 hit it was such an overwhelming state of mind in our household and around the country, but what I did see and am still very proud to see is people coming together and helping each other out. So even though it seems a bit crazy now, take time to savor every day and let your loved ones know you love them. At the end of the day, no one has the right to take away your happiness or peace of mind.  Have an awesome weekend! By MomAdvocate

Happy Friday! What are you Doing to keep your immunity strong during COVID-19?

         "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." Good Morning and Happy Friday! Thankfully we have a day off from remote learning today and I can take a breather. Sometimes it is okay to just chill and take a minute for yourself. Because this weekend will go by fast. Flu season is afoot, what are you doing to keep your self and your family healthy besides drinking plenty of water, veggies, and more veggies and laughter? I am going to share a great recipe guide for smoothie s and it is so worth it. It isn't homemade, but premade and I am okay with that. You cannot beat not having to buy all of the frozen fruit and veggies and all you have to do is add the liquid. Don't be alarmed, it is all organic and worth it! Yummo:-) Also please remember to get your flu shot this season because....UM....we are in a pandemic and it is sort of important to have an added layer of protection for you and