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Showing posts with the label Advocacy

September and Senior Year

"As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases." September is here! Did you create some memories with your loved ones this summer? We did lots of reflection of how far we have come when it comes to advocating for our autistic son.  Now we are in his senior year of high school and there is so much more to do, such as trying to figure out next steps and, in a nutshell, 'Life After High School'. What is next?  From one autistic/special needs parent to another, keep on advocating for your loved one and seek the prize at the end of this journey.... independence and a life fulfilled with people who love them and offer valued support and accommodations for a full life.  Until next time, take one day at a time and keep going.  ~Mom Advocate

School is around the corner and Summer went by so fast.....

"As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases." Hello Everyone,  Can you believe that summer is almost over? (Say it isn't so)! We are already in the final week of July and school will start back up next month on the 28th (at least for us, others will be different). We have learned lots this summer, especially about how much older my son will be as well as change. He is in his final year of high school and becoming more and more vocal in what he needs and wants. I also have found that the more I push for him to do certain things around the house, the more vocal he has become in what he doesn't like to do as well, LOL! Either way, it is all good because this shows me that he knows how to advocate for himself, especially if he is uncomfortable or just doesn't like something.  What are your aspirations and hopes for your children? Unborn Children? We are parents to an adult daughter and almost...