When I learned our son had autism it was two weeks after my mother passed away, so not only was I grieving about my mother's passing I was also grieving about what could have been with our son. Fast forward to now. So much has happened since that moment in time and it has not been easy. It has been hard as hell! But I keep on persisting and advocating and DOING because our children are our life's work poured into them, so that they can live a most productive life. Even more so, if they are a son or daughter with special needs, it gets a little bit more challenging. I don't think about when I will no longer be here on this earth because this is too scary to comprehend, so I only think about the now, the present. Every day is a gift so I celebrate the triumphs, mourn the low points and then pick myself up so I can do it again the next day.
Good Morning:-).
By Mom Advocate
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